Hey sorry diesel420 I meant to reply and totally spaced on you. Not sure what could have caused that 😉
Anyway, I'd discourage you from using the garage unless it is climate controlled -- meaning you would be comfortable in normal clothing. Plants like about the same temps as humans.
However, if you're going to ignore that advice than the next best route would be a nice and thick tent (avoid the cheapos!) along with a small space heater. I have my tents in my basement (where I would not be comfortable, low 50s), so I do a few things:
- Isolate tent ideally, or individual pots from the cold floor with some foam board
- Do the same for your water resorvoir
- Put a space heater kind of facing corner, with a fan in opposite doing the same thing, int the same direction (clockwise or cxounter) to create a vortex of air that will rise around the outside of tent.
- Get a $10 thermometer/hydrometer with 24hour & all-time high/low to make sure you're in a 60-80 range.
That little wire dangling on the right is a sensor for temp for another thingy I have, but the simple LCD screen ones a couple inches work great.